It's Just DJ

Category: Projects

  • Update on Movie Reviews Plugin

    Update on Movie Reviews Plugin

    If you haven’t read my initial post on creating my first WordPress plugin, it will bring you up to speed. I’m still working on this. One thing I’ve learned is that if I spend too much time away from the project, I forget where I left off. It’s a good thing I’m writing about it…

  • Creating My First WordPress Plugin

    I haven’t finished my Personal Browser Start Page project, yet here I am posting about creating a WordPress plugin. I will get back to that browser project, but I’m still learning some JavaScript that will help me make it super duper. In the meantime, I decided to start a new project that I’ve been meaning…

  • Building a Personal Browser Start Page

    Building a Personal Browser Start Page

    If you’re like me, you have your web browser open most of the time while you’re working. Maybe you have a few tabs open, maybe you have over forty — yup, I heard someone say they had that many open at once. My Virgo heart almost went into spasms. I always tend to have a…

  • Bash Script for Quick and Easy File Transfer via SSH

    Bash Script for Quick and Easy File Transfer via SSH

    In my last post, I covered using the command line to transfer music files to my Raspberry Pi media server. This time I want to share some bash scripts I wrote to make it even easier. Automated login It gets old typing ssh dj@ and then entering my password every time I want to log…

  • Managing My Music Files with the Command Line

    Managing My Music Files with the Command Line

    I recently wrote an article for, “Why I switched from Apple Music to Jellyfin and Raspberry Pi.” I hope you’ll read that first — or at least skim it — because it’s really fun and you’ll have more context for this post. When managing my digital music collection during the move to Jellyfin, I…

  • Movies and Books Collection

    Movies and Books Collection

    The Project: I wanted to create an online database where my family could view our movie and book collection at a glance. Users should have the ability to view, sort, search the collections. They should also be able to add, edit, and delete entries. It should be secure with user logins so no one else…