It's Just DJ

Category: boop

  • WordPress Site Changes Using CLI

    WordPress Site Changes Using CLI

    I’ve been using WordPress since 2009 or so. I even wrote an essay about it because I love working in it so much. For over ten years, I built sites, made edits to config files, and tweaked PHP files using the method of downloading them via FTP and reuploading them. I handled any plugin or…

  • Back to School

    Back to School

    I’m going back to school. Okay, not really, because I’m not actually going to a formal school of any kind – unless you count Udemy or To be more clear, what I’m doing is building myself a curriculum for learning computer science and programming. Rather than apply to a community college or university degree…

  • Movies and Books Collection

    Movies and Books Collection

    The Project: I wanted to create an online database where my family could view our movie and book collection at a glance. Users should have the ability to view, sort, search the collections. They should also be able to add, edit, and delete entries. It should be secure with user logins so no one else…

  • The time I made a rocket fly with BASIC

    The time I made a rocket fly with BASIC

    I am a child of the ’80s. That means that a communication device you could carry in your pocket and allowed you to talk to anyone on the planet was a thing reserved for Captain Kirk. It also means that the first time I sat down at a computer, it was a blue screen with…

  • My Brief History in Coding

    My Brief History in Coding

    Over the years, my coding journey has been sporadic at best. It’s been all over the place as I’ve worked in other careers, mainly illustration and animation. The timeline looks something like this: 1981 I first learned to code BASIC in an early (experimental) elementary school program. That was back when the only computers in…