It's Just DJ

Category: personal

  • The time I made a rocket fly with BASIC

    The time I made a rocket fly with BASIC

    I am a child of the ’80s. That means that a communication device you could carry in your pocket and allowed you to talk to anyone on the planet was a thing reserved for Captain Kirk. It also means that the first time I sat down at a computer, it was a blue screen with…

  • My Brief History in Coding

    My Brief History in Coding

    Over the years, my coding journey has been sporadic at best. It’s been all over the place as I’ve worked in other careers, mainly illustration and animation. The timeline looks something like this: 1981 I first learned to code BASIC in an early (experimental) elementary school program. That was back when the only computers in…

  • What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part III

    What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part III A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… I worked on a little TV show called Blue’s Clues. If you’re just learning this now, go back and start with Part I: Before Blue’s Clues. Part III: Okay, I’m here. Now what? Imposter…

  • What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part II

    What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part II A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… I worked on a little TV show called Blue’s Clues. If you’re just learning this now, go back and Read Part I: Before Blue’s Clues. Part II: I Got the Job! Getting in: The…

  • What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part I

    What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part I A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… I worked on a little TV show called Blue’s Clues. Maybe you’ve heard of it. If you haven’t, that’s okay. You can catch up on the show’s Wikipedia page. It was an immensely popular…

  • The Catastrophic Boba Shortage of 2021

    I read the headline, then I read it again. Yep, it really does say that, I thought. It’s not just that it’s 3:00 am and I’m sitting on the toilet in the dark. I’m mostly awake and it’s right there: “Boba Shortage to Last Throughout Summer.” There was nothing I could do in that moment…

  • saturday: a haiku

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin saturday morning the exterminator’s here it’s too early dude

  • Fractured

    You’ve probably stubbed your toe a few times in your life, amiright? Sure you have. Sadly, you will likely never get to the championship-level toe stubbing that I have attained. You need to practice every day. Most people don’t have that kind of drive. I don’t mean to be dismissive, but I am just extremely…

  • Easing Off the Pressure

    I made two promises to myself in the last couple of years that I have been failing to keep. The first was that I would only write blog posts or newsletters when I really felt like I had something to say. The second was that I would publish on a regular schedule. Maybe you can…