It's Just DJ

Category: personal

  • Who Defines Success?

    Who Defines Success?

    “Sad.” That’s the response I got from a friend after I announced we were closing our custom screen printing business in February 2023. We had been in business for a little over ten years. For a two-person operation, we had a nice chunk of the apparel printing market in Southern California for many years. In…

  • I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, either

    I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, either

    It’s true. Sometimes I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. Do you know? All the time? Or are you like me, where sometimes you figure out one part but in another area you’re completely lost? I don’t have everything all planned out with a clear agenda, all the time. I’m constantly evaluating where…

  • Another Desk Rescue? Yes.

    Another Desk Rescue? Yes.

    I know, I just posted last time about refurbishing a desk. In case you’re either growing concerned that I’m obsessed, or you’re thinking that I’m only going to write about desks for the rest of forever, you can relax. I’ll move on to other topics soon enough. The last desk was a super cheap Craigslist…

  • My Continuing Evolution in WordPress

    This year — 2023 — marks the 20th anniversary of WordPress. It’s been around for so long that it’s hard to imagine when it wasn’t part of my daily life, yet it’s still not old enough to drink. When I first dipped my toe into WordPress waters, I was a freelance illustrator and animator. It…

  • New Year: What’s the Big Whoop?

    New Year: What’s the Big Whoop?

    Last day of the year. Duh. Why do we make this so significant in our lives? In a practical sense, nothing really changes from the 31st to the 1st. It’s all in our heads, we make it up. Another Saturday to Sunday. Big whoop, right? But it is significant. Moving from one year into the…

  • Helping but not helping

    Helping but not helping

    Our yard is a mess. Okay, it’s mostly fine but we have a lot of weeds, and the grass — where it exists — is dry and crackly. I’m okay with this for the most part because we live in super dry Southern California and it turns out that the natural landscape is not a…

  • About that “It’s just DJ” thing

    I once had someone tell me that saying “It’s just DJ” is sort of announcing that I don’t value myself. As if I was old Eeyore mumbling, “Don’t worry, it’s just me, it’s nobody important.” If you get to know me, you’ll soon realize I would never say “Aww, shucks, it’s just lil’ ol’ me.”…

  • WordPress Post Created Using CLI on a Wyse Terminal

    Okay, here’s the thing. I’m a geek about retro technology. Whether it’s old printing presses, cars (before computers), laptops, or dumb terminals, it doesn’t matter. I love finding old tech and giving it new life. I’m writing this post on a Wyse terminal. If you don’t know what that is, you can read about them…

  • What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part IV – The First Lesson

    What I Learned From Working on Blue’s Clues • Part IV A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… I worked on a little TV show called Blue’s Clues. If you’re just learning this now, go back and start with Part I: Before Blue’s Clues. Part IV: The First Lesson Since this series…