It's Just DJ

Category: Retro

  • Windows 3.1 is alive

    Windows 3.1 is alive

    I went down a rabbit hole this weekend and found myself looking at a download of a Windows 3.1 ISO file. I haven’t used Windows 3.1 since Windows 95 was released. It was the first OS I used as an adult. When I was stationed at Ramstein AB in the early ’90s, our supervisor had…

  • WordPress Post Created Using CLI on a Wyse Terminal

    Okay, here’s the thing. I’m a geek about retro technology. Whether it’s old printing presses, cars (before computers), laptops, or dumb terminals, it doesn’t matter. I love finding old tech and giving it new life. I’m writing this post on a Wyse terminal. If you don’t know what that is, you can read about them…

  • The time I made a rocket fly with BASIC

    The time I made a rocket fly with BASIC

    I am a child of the ’80s. That means that a communication device you could carry in your pocket and allowed you to talk to anyone on the planet was a thing reserved for Captain Kirk. It also means that the first time I sat down at a computer, it was a blue screen with…

  • My Brief History in Coding

    My Brief History in Coding

    Over the years, my coding journey has been sporadic at best. It’s been all over the place as I’ve worked in other careers, mainly illustration and animation. The timeline looks something like this: 1981 I first learned to code BASIC in an early (experimental) elementary school program. That was back when the only computers in…