It's Just DJ

Category: WordPress

  • Update on Movie Reviews Plugin

    Update on Movie Reviews Plugin

    If you haven’t read my initial post on creating my first WordPress plugin, it will bring you up to speed. I’m still working on this. One thing I’ve learned is that if I spend too much time away from the project, I forget where I left off. It’s a good thing I’m writing about it…

  • My Continuing Evolution in WordPress

    This year — 2023 — marks the 20th anniversary of WordPress. It’s been around for so long that it’s hard to imagine when it wasn’t part of my daily life, yet it’s still not old enough to drink. When I first dipped my toe into WordPress waters, I was a freelance illustrator and animator. It…

  • Creating My First WordPress Plugin

    I haven’t finished my Personal Browser Start Page project, yet here I am posting about creating a WordPress plugin. I will get back to that browser project, but I’m still learning some JavaScript that will help me make it super duper. In the meantime, I decided to start a new project that I’ve been meaning…

  • WordPress Post Created Using CLI on a Wyse Terminal

    Okay, here’s the thing. I’m a geek about retro technology. Whether it’s old printing presses, cars (before computers), laptops, or dumb terminals, it doesn’t matter. I love finding old tech and giving it new life. I’m writing this post on a Wyse terminal. If you don’t know what that is, you can read about them…

  • WordPress Site Changes Using CLI

    WordPress Site Changes Using CLI

    I’ve been using WordPress since 2009 or so. I even wrote an essay about it because I love working in it so much. For over ten years, I built sites, made edits to config files, and tweaked PHP files using the method of downloading them via FTP and reuploading them. I handled any plugin or…