
I see the month as half full, so I say yes to this vember.

Join me as I spend the next several weeks trying to clear my palette of that really, really bad (yet catchy) phrase. Moving on…

Toilet-worthy Reading:

The Stand, Stephen King

I’ve been reading King since I was 13. Somehow I never picked this one up. It’s much better than I anticipated, and very timely considering our current global pandemic.

Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself, Alan Alda

My daughter gave me this for my birthday. I’m a huge Alan Alda fan. It’s not so much a memoir as a collection of speeches he’s given that touch on deep subjects. It’s also funny, not surprisingly.

Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

I haven’t read this since… high school? Starting again. The book, not high school. I’m so over that.

How I choose to link the books I share. A sort of linking manifesto.

What’s up, pussycat?

I didn’t write a single line of code in all of October. It’s really gnawing at me. I’ve just been overwhelmed with screen printing projects and I’m not even close to seeing daylight. Good news/bad news.

I think I need to take Helga to the doctor. Her battery keeps dying and she has a flat spot in her acceleration. A hitch in her giddy-up. As much as I love doing the work myself, I just don’t have the time or the space lately to do things right. But, I really want her to keep running. I found a place in Manhattan Beach that specializes in air-cooled VWs. It might be time for a trip.

I’ve also started to write about my history of working on Blue’s Clues. It’s the 25th anniversary of the show and I thought it was about time.

Quote of the Moment

I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.”

Lily Tomlin

Over to you…

What’s one thing you want to do in Yesvember?


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