Author: DJ Billings
Retro Pomodoro Timer program on a TRS-80
I wrote a Pomodoro timer program on a TRS-80 that sounds an alarm after a certain amount of time.
Trump Gave Them A License To Be Nasty
The new U.S. administration should have us all nervous.
Trump and His Bullies Can’t Tell Me Who I Am
They may change the laws. But they cannot change who I am, no matter how many executive orders he signs.
Back to the Mac
I bought the MacBook new in 2007 and it only just occurred to me today that it’s almost 18 years old. I think that qualifies as a piece of computer history, and I’m going to maintain it in its original form for preservation purposes.
Coming to Terms with Owning a Home
We’ve been living in the home for almost a year and I’m still not sure it’s real.
My Oven Doesn’t Need WiFi
The number of everyday objects where engineers decide to inject wireless capability seems to be increasing daily. My oven doesn’t need WiFi.
A Bad Day at Wrigley is Better Than a Good Day in Prison
When I say that a bad day at Wrigley is better than a good day in prison, my only prison experience is entirely based on The Shawshank Redemption.
Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 2024
I swear, I did not plan to buy anything. I only wanted to gaze at the tech. But I got…itchy.
Advice for the Passionless
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the nature of passion and work and how we try so hard to combine the two.