Author: DJ Billings

  • Batty


    We just discovered that we have bats in our attic. We actually love having bats around, because they eat mosquitoes. We just don’t want them in our house. Relocation time for Batty.

  • None of My Business

    None of My Business

    I’ve spent a lot of time and energy — many lost hours and years — worrying how people perceived me. Whether or not they liked me. Did I say something weird or was I misunderstood? Was I dressed appropriately? Was that joke weird or did they get it? I’ve decided that what people think of…

  • Bee-doodled


    Buzz buzz.

  • April 2024

    I’m in L.A. for possibly the last time for a long time. We came back for a brief visit after our move and driving trip in March. My art is in a state of limbo at the moment, because settling in and fixing things in the new house are taking up all my energy.

  • 100% Free and Open Source ThinkPad

    100% Free and Open Source ThinkPad

    I’m writing this post on a ThinkPad T480, running only free, open source software. Why is that interesting or important? I’ll explain.

  • Why Do We Think What We Think?

    Why Do We Think What We Think?

    Groupthink makes me cranky. The most important thing we can teach our children is to think for themselves. You might argue that teaching them to respect all other beings is a tad bit more important. I grant you, I thought of that as well. But I believe that if they can think for themselves, respect…

  • Keeping Up With the Joneses

    Keeping Up With the Joneses

    Just when I think I’m immune to keeping up with the Joneses, I wonder something like that. Is that what home ownership does to you?

  • April Showers

    April Showers

  • Another HP Fixer-Upper

    Another HP Fixer-Upper

    I swear, I don’t have a thing for HPs. In fact, I never buy HP computers new. It’s just not my thing. They make some cheap laptops that are fine for students and the average home user. And that’s not me. But whenever I see an HP in the wild, I have a strong urge…