Author: DJ Billings
Hello, 2024
I’m one of those New Year’s resolution people. Yup. They’re not resolutions so much as merely things I want to work on, try, and think about for the next 12 months.
Only Two Options
There’s freedom and power in realizing we have only two options.
Is AI Killing Art?
The problem for artists isn’t DALL-E3 itself, but the people who choose to wield it.
Why fedora is My Favorite Distro
I’ve been running on Fedora for about a month now and so far it’s my favorite distro. I don’t know why I hadn’t seriously tried it before. But now it’s going to be my go-to for any new system I use.
The Case Against Student Debt
The solution to student debt is not to cancel it every few years, but to find a way to avoid falling into that trap in the first place.
The Time to Ban Assault Weapons is Overdue
There’s a tired argument that if we ban assault weapons, only bad people will have them. I don’t buy it.
57 Channels and Nothin’ On
We switched ‘round and ‘round ‘til half past dawn There’s 57 channels and nothin’ on
Acceptance at WordCamp US
I wish that the greater society could follow the model of WordCamp US, where people see each other as the individuals they are but treat them with respect no matter what their personal beliefs may be.
Don’t give up, just go on!
“Washington Mutual, how may I help you?” That was me. I was sitting in the middle of a call center in the San Fernando Valley, with a headset on and my fingers poised at a keyboard. It was a late and chilly Thursday night as I worked the night shift as a CSR for Washington…