My mind is blown.
I was today years old when I learned something new about two of my most favorite songs ever.
First, the song How Long by the British band Ace, was released in 1974. Since I was a very small child gazing out the back window of my mom’s Buick, it’s always been one of my favorites.
Today I learned that it was written and performed by Paul Carrack, songwriter and lead singer of the British band Squeeze. I’ve been a huge fan of Squeeze since the 80s. Huge.
So another of my other most favorite songs, Tempted, was written and performed by the same person, which I just discovered today.
The themes and underlying rhythms of the songs are very similar. I just never connected them until now.
I can’t believe I didn’t see hear it before.
What am I going to do with this new information? I have no idea. But I’m enjoying the knowing.
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