It’s a new year! Again! They keep doing this every twelve months and I hope the cycle continues.
Grab a cup of something and let’s read:
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet, Katie Hafner
Since you’re reading this post, you can thank the geeks who created the ARPANET, the first system of networked computers in the world. I’m geeking out on this story. In fact, I found out that the computer room with the original equipment is still set up in a room at UCLA, only 12 miles from my house. I smell a road trip.
Robotics Revolution, Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan
More geekery, sure. Why not? I was turned on to this book from an article I read about this fascinating man and his adventures since being diagnosed with ALS. The robotics book was written in 1984, so of course some of it is dated. But it’s written in a very accessible way and I had a hard time putting it down in the first chapters. If you’re into this kind of geekery, pick up a copy.
Prince of Tides, Pat Conroy
Jenni and I were reminded of this book on an episode of Ted Lasso. I haven’t read it for at least 15 years, so I’m picking it up again because, yes, I do read actual novels and fiction. I’m not just a robot, you know.
Night Shift, Stephen King
A classic from 1978. I think I like reading King’s short stories even more than his novels.
How I choose to link the books I share. A sort of linking manifesto.
I’m not going to sum up 2021
It feels weird to do one of those “How my year went” kind of posts. Mostly because December didn’t go too well. I was completely overwhelmed with work and our beloved dog, Quincy, passed away very suddenly. I also broke my toe again, which is break number two in 2021.
I’d much rather look ahead to 2022 and all the possibilities for good things just sitting out there in their respective future months, waiting for me to pick them up.
Quote of the Moment
“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. And if that doesn’t work out for you, Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. ”
Bob Saget
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