Tag: mindfulness

  • When you see a chance…

    When you see a chance…

    Sitting at the controls of the C-141 Starlifter, I peeked out the windows at the mountains below. I was flying a satellite to a California air base where it would be launched in a couple of weeks. There was only one teensy, totally minor, peculiarly odd thing about what I was doing. I wasn’t a…

  • Getting along with everyone

    Getting along with everyone

    The easiest way to get along with everyone all the time is…

  • Hello, 2024

    Hello, 2024

    I’m one of those New Year’s resolution people. Yup. They’re not resolutions so much as merely things I want to work on, try, and think about for the next 12 months.

  • Only Two Options

    Only Two Options

    There’s freedom and power in realizing we have only two options.

  • Who Defines Success?

    Who Defines Success?

    “Sad.” That’s the response I got from a friend after I announced we were closing our custom screen printing business in February 2023. We had been in business for a little over ten years. For a two-person operation, we had a nice chunk of the apparel printing market in Southern California for many years. In…

  • Eating for Pleasure

    Eating for Pleasure

    It’s 6:00 PM on a Saturday and I’m dusting mushrooms. No, that’s not a euphemism; I am literally dusting mushrooms with an unused shaving brush. You may not have realized it (I didn’t), but there is a hefty amount of dirt on those mushrooms we all buy at the grocery store, sealed in shrink wrap…

  • Figuring It Out

    Figuring It Out

    I haven’t typically shared deeply personal things on this blog. Sure, I offer goofy quips about myself and my family on my About page, and most of my posts have a personal slant to them. But I haven’t gotten truly personal. I think that’s going to change. I mean, no, I’m not going to give…

  • This To-Do List Will Not Kill Me

    This To-Do List Will Not Kill Me

    A while back I wrote about using a bullet journal to save my brain. An ambitious title and idea, for sure. I wouldn’t necessarily say my brain has been saved. Marginally boosted? Whatever. I still love my bullet journal and I use it every day. But the main concept behind my daily use is something…

  • I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, either

    I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, either

    It’s true. Sometimes I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. Do you know? All the time? Or are you like me, where sometimes you figure out one part but in another area you’re completely lost? I don’t have everything all planned out with a clear agenda, all the time. I’m constantly evaluating where…