In his inauguration speech, Trump declared that the U.S. Government would only recognize two genders, male and female. As in most proclamations he’s made, he doesn’t actually care about the issue himself, he’s merely pandering to his base — who unfortunately invented the imagined controversy.
What does recognizing a gender spectrum and allowing a third gender marker on passports or other official documents cost anyone? Absolutely nothing.
I get that it can break someone’s brain to understand that there can be a gender spectrum. Whether you “get it” or not is irrelevant. It exists, it is reality.
It affects you in absolutely zero ways.
His speech was both chilling and laughable, but one thing is clear: His administration aims to remake this a country under one god and one religion, adopting the beliefs and rules of extreme conservative Christianity. As in all things Trump, it is mostly performative, only made chilling by the standing ovations he received. Trump is not the problem, his followers are.
They may change the laws. But they cannot change who I am, no matter how many executive orders he signs.
You can choose not to recognize my gender identity. That is your right. You can even choose to believe that I have a mental condition, or I am an abomination in your god’s eyes, and that I should be “fixed.” That is also your right.
But you cannot tell me who I am.
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