Reading until my eyes are bleeding:
Face: one square foot of skin, Justine Bateman
What Do You Care What Other People Think?, Richard Feynman
Permanent Record, Edward Snowden
Rapture of the Nerds, Corey Doctorow and Charles Stross
How I choose to link the books I share. A sort of linking manifesto.
Work & Projects & Stuff
As part of my journey to learn to code, I signed up for a Backend, SQL and DevOps with Python Bootcamp that starts in September (can we start sooner, please?). The more I’m learning, the more I realize that I love working on the back end of developing applications. I still enjoy working on front end web dev, like WordPress, but my ultimate goal is to work for NASA’s JPL. I think this is a really solid first step. And yeah, being a back end developer is kinda funny. Technically, isn’t a personal trainer a back end developer?
Speaking of coding, I created a cute little AppleScript app that reminds you to get up and move every 40 minutes. It’s called (appropriately, I think) Get Up. If you want to try it, you can download the app for free. Just unzip it and double-click it like any other app. Psst: it only works on MacOS.
My world in July is really focused on learning responsive web design and digging into WordPress PHP. However, I’m still creating my paper zines and sharing them with the world. If you’d like to get it, you can sign up on my zine page.
Quote of the Moment
“When I die, I want to die like my grandfather, who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.” — Will Rogers
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