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Things You Can’t Throw Away
It’s amazing how much debris gets collected over ten years. From crumpled receipts that probably should have been filed to empty Scotch tape dispensers, there’s just a lot of trash to sift through.
Goodbye, California
I will miss California. I’ll miss the views driving up PCH and on the 101 through Thousand Oaks, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. I’ll miss the Hollywood of my 20s, 30s, and 40s — all very different experiences. DTLA will always be one of my favorite places to hunt down historical places and imagine myself in…
That Time We Bought a Tesla
We didn’t mean to buy a Tesla. Which sounds weird, I know. Was it an accident? No. We didn’t fall into a Tesla and accidentally sign for a loan. What I mean is that when we were shopping for a new car, we weren’t even considering one.
When you see a chance…
Sitting at the controls of the C-141 Starlifter, I peeked out the windows at the mountains below. I was flying a satellite to a California air base where it would be launched in a couple of weeks. There was only one teensy, totally minor, peculiarly odd thing about what I was doing. I wasn’t a…
Getting along with everyone
The easiest way to get along with everyone all the time is…
Hello, 2024
I’m one of those New Year’s resolution people. Yup. They’re not resolutions so much as merely things I want to work on, try, and think about for the next 12 months.
Only Two Options
There’s freedom and power in realizing we have only two options.
Is AI Killing Art?
The problem for artists isn’t DALL-E3 itself, but the people who choose to wield it.
The Case Against Student Debt
The solution to student debt is not to cancel it every few years, but to find a way to avoid falling into that trap in the first place.
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